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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


Join Us at the Lifestyle, Diet, Wine, and Health Congress in Toledo

Join Us at the Lifestyle, Diet, Wine, and Health Congress in Toledo

We’re happy to announce the upcoming Lifestyle, Diet, Wine, and Health Congress, organized by FIVIN, Wine Information Council, Renaud Society, University of Barcelona, and Wine in Moderation. This world-renowned scientific congress is set to take place in the beautiful city of Toledo, Spain from October 18th-20th. The event will feature some of the leading scientists in the fields of lifestyle, diet, wine, and health, and promises to be an incredible opportunity for learning, networking, and professional growth.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts in these fields, who will share their research, insights, and findings with the audience.

The congress will be held in the stunning city of Toledo, which is located in the heart of Spain. Toledo is known for its rich history and culture, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city’s impressive architecture, charming streets, and unique cultural offerings make it a perfect backdrop for this world-class scientific congress.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, wine industry expert, or simply interested in the relationship between lifestyle, diet, wine, and health, the Lifestyle, Diet, Wine, and Health Congress is an event not to be missed. The congress promises to be an incredible opportunity for learning, networking, and professional growth, and we look forward to welcoming you to Toledo, Spain, in October.