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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


ACIBEV represents wine sector at Portuguese Alcohol & Health Forum

ACIBEV represents wine sector at Portuguese Alcohol & Health Forum

On April 11th, ACIBEV represented the national wine sector at the annual meeting of the Portuguese Alcohol & Health Forum (FNAS) which presented the status of consumption of alcoholic beverages in Portugal and in Europe.

The day’s interventions included presentations about “Drink & Drive” initiatives as well as Support programs developed for workers within the framework of the ADC - Additive Behaviours and Dependencies.

The ANEM (National Association of Medical Students) / CNAF (National Confederation of Family Associations) / SICAD awarded the FNAS prizes to two medical students for the development of two communication posters about binge drinking.

ACIBEV has been an active participant of the National Alcohol and Health Forum for several years. In this frame, it has developed an important number of campaigns and tangible actions to contribute to the reduction of alcohol-related harm and be part of the solution in a transparent and accountable way.