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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Wine in Moderation in Portuguese cinemas

Wine in Moderation in Portuguese cinemas

The Association of Port Wine Companies (AEVP) and ACIBEV the wine and spirits association of Portugal, in Portuguese cinemas with the message of moderation and responsibility during the Christmas holidays.

Action lead by AEVP

Between 1st November 2015 and 31st December 2015, a campaign was launched by AEVP in all UCI cinemas in the city of Porto. This campaign consisted in the insertion of a page with the Wine in Moderation messages in the Weekly Programme Brochures as well as a video spot before the beginning of the movies.

In the two months that the campaign lasted, 80 000 brochures were printed and distributed and 11 200 video spots were shown to an audience of 100.000 people.

Action lead by ACIBEV

Since 2012, year in which ACIBEV developed the TV-campaign “Wine in Moderation”, the association has featured the same spot on national televisions every year during the Easter and Christmas holidays. In 2015, the campaign was replicated once again during the Easter break.

However, for this year’s winter holidays, ACIBEV decided to launch the campaigns in cinemas as well. The “Wine in Moderation 2015” was therefore exhibited in over 45 cinemas between 17 December and 6 January with a total of 27 195 views.

With these large consumer campaigns featured during this period of celebrations, the two Portuguese associations – members of the WIM Association – aim to prevent alcohol abuse and misuse by enabling young people and adults to make responsible and informed decisions to support a sustainable lifestyle. These campaigns are also supported by the participation to large wine events targeted at consumers (“Porto.Come”, “Essencia do Vinho”, etc.)