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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Notícias da Associação


Wine in Moderation at Wine Expos: Vinexpo, a new experience

Wine in Moderation at Wine Expos: Vinexpo, a new experience

One of the world’s leading wine trade shows, Vinexpo Bordeaux embraced the Wine in Moderation message and presented it to its visitors from 18 to 21 June 2017.

Recognising the value of Wine in Moderation and embracing the programme, Vinexpo stepped up to support Wine in Moderation in its efforts to promote a sustainable wine culture. With what started off as simple activities through the distribution of leaflets to promote the moderation message; Vinexpo will be looking to increase its actions in future editions showing its commitment to a sustainable wine culture.

Over the years, Wine in Moderation has been participating at wine expos and other important food and wine exhibitions. The programme will be looking to increase these partnerships reaching wine professionals from around the world, and empowering them with the necessary information about Wine in Moderation showing them the importance of social responsibility for the sustainability of wine culture and of the wine business.

Furthermore, following the successful events in ProWein, Vinos de Chile continued on its chosen path during Vinexpo 2017 edition, by organising a workshop about social responsibility presenting the Wine in Moderation programme, and giving more information on how to adopt socially responsible business practices.