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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Vines and sustainable agriculture

Vines and sustainable agriculture

Vines are an integral part of the landscape and economy of many regions around the world. Cultivation of vines has been part of the agricultural activities since ancient time and has its special place in the French agriculture. The annual Paris International Agricultural Show is the perfect opportunity to celebrate it.

The annual show which took place from 25 February to 5 March, is a mainstream event that welcomes an important number of families.

As part of its activity V&S showcased in this occasion its new video built as a virtual reality mini-film to explain the vines universe and its cultivation’.

Equipped with virtual reality goggles that offer a virtual reality zone, and surrounded by sounds of nature and viticulture, children learn more about the many facets of the grape’s and the vine’s life through the different ages and seasons. Educating and informing them about the vine, provides them with more knowledge about the world of the vine, the grape’s tastes and the terroirs, helping them understand nature, the circle of life and agriculture.