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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Munskänkarna elects new wine city of the year

Munskänkarna elects new wine city of the year

Beautiful Istria, along the coast of Croatia was recently elected as 2017 Wine City (village) of the year by Munskänkarna. Elected every year by the Swedish Consumer Association, the wine city of the year is selected based on a number of criteria, among which vicinity, quality and innovation.

In the frame of the Wine in Moderation programme in Sweden, Munskänkarna will be introducing a new set of criteria as from 2019. Sustainability, Social Responsibility and activities related to the responsible and moderate consumption of wine will indeed be closely monitored and welcomed as a positive advantage during the race to the title.

With the aim of bringing the programme to another level in Sweden, Munskänkarna has also recently updated its website including information about Social Sustainability and more specifically Wine in Moderation. The visitor is invited to stay informed and to find more information about how to best enjoy a glass of wine in the frame of healthy lifestyle.

WiM Association and the evolution of the Wine in Moderation Programme will be presented at the annual General Assembly of Munskänkarna, in Stockholm early May.