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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Initiating tasting for young wine professionals

Initiating tasting for young wine professionals

For the first time since its first edition in 1998, the Young Wine Professionals’ Competition (CJPV)* focused on the "responsible and moderate consumption of wine". Through its unique position as WiM National Coordinator in France and considering the theme chosen for this year, it was an honour for Vin et Société to preside the Competition.

Each year, the CJPV allows future French and European professionals of the wine sector to grasp the importance of tasting: a necessary tool for their future profession.

With the aim of building on this central aspect of their vocation, this year’s edition focused on the moderation and responsible consumption of wine, empowering these future professionals with the necessary information to help them and their customers make well-informed, responsible choices compatible with healthy lifestyle and to reduce the misuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

In 2016, 54 French finalists (out of 437 candidates at the start) and 13 Europeans battled before a jury composed of professionals from the wine sector. In 2017, the final of the CJPV took place on the 1st of March in the occasion of the Agriculture Show.

*Direct translation from French: Concours des Jeunes Professionnels du Vin (CJPV)