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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
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Independent Winegrowers renew their commitment to Wine in Moderation

Independent Winegrowers renew their commitment to Wine in Moderation

21.04.16, Barcelos, Portugal. The European Confederation of Independent Winegrowers (CEVI) renewed their commitment to Wine in Moderation and reinforce their aim to encourage a moderate and responsible consumption of wine.

By renewing their commitment, CEVI will further contribute to the implementation and growth of the Wine in Moderation programme following the 2015-2019 Programme Strategy with concrete actions.

Said George Sandeman, President of the WiM Association “CEVI has been a long-time supporter of the Wine in Moderation programme, and today assumes a stronger role in the battle against the harm caused by abusive drinking. It is natural that winegrowers present their products in a quality way, showing people how to enjoy them sensibly and with low risk”.

Thomas Montagne, President of CEVI said: “I am very pleased to sign this Memorandum of Understanding with the WiM Association. It embodies our shared commitment to cooperate towards addressing irresponsible and harmful drinking. Together we will continue promoting and educating people to a responsible, moderate and sensible consumption of wine. We are signing this Memorandum at an auspicious moment. Today our General Assembly took place in Barcelos, Portugal, and it has been the occasion to reflect on CEVI lessons and achievements and will chart the way forward to the coming years.  We consider this as an important part of our event, as it marks a deep cooperation already established with Wine in Moderation in the past years.”

The event was attended by important personalities as well as from the Portuguese wine sector among whom the President of the inter-professionnel Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes and his Vice-president for the production.

CEVI has been supporting the Wine in Moderation Programme from its launch and becomes an Observer of the WiM Association.