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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


From the sector for the sector…Who are the German Wine in Moderation Advocates?

From the sector for the sector…Who are the German Wine in Moderation Advocates?

With the aim to further inform the German wine sector about the Wine in Moderation Programme, the Deutsche Weinakademie has launched a new concept: Wine in Moderation Advocates.

The Wine in Moderation Advocates are personalities from the wine sector who volunteer their time to become the face of the Wine in Moderation Programme in Germany. Passionate about wine of which they have also made a successful living, these Advocates firmly believe in the Wine in Moderation message and are motivated to safeguard the central place of wine in the gastronomic and cultural heritage of our societies while preventing and reducing alcohol misuse and abuse and its related harm.

The German Wine in Moderation Advocates met for the second time in the beautiful Ahr wine region to exchange their experiences and discuss about future actions. During this meeting, all advocates agreed on the fact that both the Wine in Moderation message and the Advocates themselves should be more “visible” during events and activities of the sector. And what better way to start than to present the Wine in Moderation Advocates on the website of the Deutsche Weinakademie with a portrait and their intentions as Advocates. Julia Bertram – former German wine queen and oenologist was the first Advocate to take up the challenge.

The German Wine in Moderation advocates are:

  • Astrid Schales, manager of the winery Schales in Flörsheim-Dalsheim, Rhinehessen
  • Dr. Rowald Hepp, director of the winery at Schloss Vollrads in Oestrich-Winkel, Rheingau
  • Rudolf Mies, former manager Wine growers‘ cooperative Mayschoß-Altenahr in the Ahr wine region
  • Cecilia Jost, operating manager of the winery Hahnenhof (Toni Jost) in Bacharach, Mittelrhein
  • Julia Bertram, oenologist, winery Ernst Sebastian in Dernau in the Ahr wine region