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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


“Do you know how to be moderate” – a new Portuguese campaign

“Do you know how to be moderate” – a new Portuguese campaign

Do you know how to be moderate”* is the new Wine in Moderation campaign you will be seeing if you live in Porto, Portugal. Launched by AEVP in March 2017, the campaign which is designed around fresh and modern images, is very different than previous ones and aims at reaching a broader spectrum of wine consumers.

Various materials have been developed in the frame of this campaign ranging from videos, to postcards, radio and TV spots and information in several newspapers and magazines.

Social media will be an important part of the campaign, regular messages will indeed be posted with the aim of promoting responsibility for the consumption of wine and wine products among young adults, supporting the message that wine is a product of excellence and should be savoured in moderation.

The campaign's collectible postcards, with fun phrases, attractive colours and Pop Art inspired images will be available in Porto's coolest bars. In addition to these postcards, the bars will have cup bases with a QR Code leading to the website, where tips and hints as to how to best enjoy a nice glass of wine are available.

Furthermore, key questions about moderate consumption will also be asked to people in the streets. Their impressions and answers will be gathered into a video which will be shown as part of the campaign (VoxPox video).

Important partnerships with the Portuguese rail services (CP – Comboios de Portugal) and the Metro services of the city of Porto (Metro do Porto) will also enrich the campaign and further broaden its reach. Posters and videos will be visible in the stations and shown in the carriages of these public transports.

AEVP has been actively communicating the Wine in Moderation message since the beginning, for more information about their previous campaigns, we invite you to click here.

* translated from Portuguese: “Sabes ser Moderado?”