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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Conoscere l’alcol: a social campaign to sensitise to moderation

Conoscere l’alcol: a social campaign to sensitise to moderation

The third edition of the social campaign "Conoscere l’alcol" (or “Know Alcohol”) was launched this 5 June in Rome. Producers of wine, spirits and beer have gathered to sensitize millions of people to moderate and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

With information material indicating the gradation of alcoholic beverages and when to avoid drinking (minors, driving, pregnancy, lactation, etc.) as well as a dedicated Facebook page – the campaign which will be featured in the 150 supermarkets adhering to the project aims at bringing the WIM message closer to consumers.

Specially trained staff will also be present during 23 days and will guide and sensitize the consumers - through a multimedia quiz - to adopt moderate and responsible consumption patterns and avoid dangerous behaviors (such as binge drinking, drink driving, etc.).

This initiative which will last until the end of July is promoted by Pernod Ricard italy, CAVIRO RUFFINO, etc. with the support of Unione Italiana Vini in the frame of the implementation of the Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme and in collaboration with Auchan and SIMPLY supermarkets.