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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Notícias da Associação


Wine in Moderation awarded “Organisation of the year” by Portugal’s leading wine magazine

Wine in Moderation awarded “Organisation of the year” by Portugal’s leading wine magazine

Wine in Moderation was awarded “Organisation of the year” by Portugal’s leading wine magazine, Grandes Escolhas Magazine on March 1st 2024, during its yearly gala dinner. One of our two National Coordinators in Portugal, Associação das Empresas de Vinho do Porto (ACIBEV) accepted the award on our behalf, reinforcing the importance of Wine in Moderation as the social responsibility movement of the wine sector but also the great work everyone involved in the programme has been doing for the last 15 years. Since it was first created in 2008, Wine in Moderation has been committed to empowering professionals and educating consumers about moderate wine consumption and social responsibility in the wine sector focusing on the culture and history of wine.

You can view the video of the award ceremony here (Portuguese with English subtitles).