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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


"If you drink, don't drive!" ACIBEV back at Essência do Vinho with a driving simulator

 "If you drink, don't drive!" ACIBEV back at Essência do Vinho with a driving simulator

Under the motto "If you drink, don't drive!", ACIBEV was once again present at Essência do Vinho, in Oporto, with its latest social responsibility initiative: a driving simulator feigning driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

From March 31st to April 3rd, ACIBEV and the ANSR (National Road Safety Authority) invited the wine fair’s visitors to test a driving simulator through special glasses that recreated the visual impact of different BAC levels. The initiative reached over 360 consumers.

This initiative is part of ACIBEV's commitment with the Wine in Moderation Programme and the National Alcohol and Health Forum and aims at raising awareness among consumers on the importance of moderation and the risks of drink and drive.

Furthermore, during the four days of the wine fair, the new ACIBEV social responsibility film subtitled in English and Portuguese and a short video presenting the guidelines for a low-risk consumption and information on when not to drink, were continuously played. Around 700 leaflets with relevant messages on the importance of moderate consumption and the guidelines for low-risk consumption as well as promotional materials such as pens and key rings with the Wine in Moderation logo were also handed out.

At least three similar events are expected to take place in 2022; ACIBEV will be present in all with social responsibility initiatives in the frame of the  Wine in Moderation programme.