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Wine in Moderation News
Nyheter från föreningen


Wine in Moderation proudly presents its 2023 annual report

Wine in Moderation proudly presents its 2023 annual report

Since the very beginning, accountability has been a very important part of the Wine in Moderation programme, reinforcing our credibility and brand among our stakeholders, and today, it is more important than ever.

We are thus happy to present to you our latest activity report, a compilation of the important work that all those involved in Wine in Moderation have invested throughout the year to make the movement what it is today.

2023 was a particularly busy and fruitful year for Wine in Moderation. We successfully participated in major trade fairs, which proved to be a great way to reconnect with our supporters and to pave the way for new partnerships and collaborations. The first train-the-trainer session was organised in the frame of our Responsible Service training, a comprehensive education programme aimed at all professionals of the wine sector; sommeliers, wine tourism professionals, HORECA staff, etc. Of course, once again science was at the forefront, with the first ever International ‘Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health’ Congress, co-organised by the Wine Information Council and gathering more than 30 renowned scientists from all over the world.  And finally, the year also marked the establishment of the International Wine in Moderation Day, a day dedicated to moderate and responsible consumption of wine, which will hopefully become an important annual appointment for all actors of the wine sector.

In the words of our President, Mr. Sandro Sartor: While we persist in our mission to encourage balanced lifestyles, responsible drinking habits, and the preservation of wine heritage, it is crucial that we continue to empower wine professionals around the world and to inform consumers who choose to enjoy our products to do so wisely.”

Have a look at the digital report here.