The Wine in Moderation programme is adaptable to cultural and national needs and is a mosaic of different national expressions.
As part of Wine in Moderation, you can develop small or large-scale activities depending on your scope and resources, the structure, and the needs of your national market, etc.
These activities can vary from education to communication and target both professionals and consumers about the inherited values of wine culture, as well as the social and health risks related to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Now that you have joined the Wine in Moderation Programme, registered online and you are authorized to use our logo and tools, you are ready for the next step!
What you can do

01. Organize actions
Wine in Moderation is built around one single message and logo that speaks to all consumers regardless of their origins, generations, and genders. The programme sets a common identity bringing all the actors together.
Adopt the Wine in Moderation brand (co-branding), use our registered logo on all your materials, and disseminate our tools to consumers and professionals!
02. Empower wine professionals and promote responsible business practices
With education at the core of the Wine in Moderation programme, seminars, educational programmes, and internal trainings have been developed by WiM Association members to increase the knowledge, skills, and competences of wine professionals. Their objective is to make well-informed, responsible choices compatible with a healthy lifestyle, and to reduce the misuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages.
Educational programmes are implemented and organised at national level and can be tailored to better address specific professional groups’ needs. Partnerships with specific actors of the wine value chain allow to include more trainings about responsible consumption in curricula of wine professionals (managers, oenologists, sommeliers, HORECA, etc.).Discover our Responsible Service training or contact your national coordinator to learn more about the available trainings in your country.
Wine Communication Standards
Committed to social responsibility, the wine sector has established the Wine Communication Standards to promote best practices in commercial communication, because even though wines are traditionally presented, communicated, and served to consumers in ways that induce moderation, it is important to set standards to advertise the wines.
These standards are established as a set of basic principles which act in tandem with the existing legislation and with the requirements of good business practices. They provide guidelines for the application of best practices by national self-regulatory mechanisms and company codes.
The Wine Communication Standards focus on ensuring that commercial communications on wine products do not encourage or condone excessive consumption or abuse of any kind.
Apply the Wine Communication Standards to all your communication material in conjunction with your national legislations.

03. Provide information on drinking patterns compatible with a healthy lifestyle and inspire well-being
At Wine in Moderation, our main objective is to provide one common message to the wine sector that speaks to all wine consumers across borders, generations, and gender regardless of where and when they consume wine.
This message is simple yet powerful and is supported by the whole wine sector:
“ Wine in Moderation,
Choose, Share, Care ”
It acts as a basis for all our communication (material, campaigns, etc.) and its key elements are passed through information campaigns, education, targeted communication materials, etc.
The goal is to inform consumers and encourage cultural change, making moderation trendy, by:
- Educating consumers who appreciate wine, to do so moderately and responsibly, as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
- Giving balanced information and familiarising consumers with the risks of abuse and misuse of alcoholic beverages and the benefits of moderate consumption of wine to allow them to make informed and responsible decisions.
How can you provide this information?
Inspired by the culinary and cultural heritage of wine to promote moderation and responsibility in wine drinking as a cultural and social norm. - CONSUMER INFORMATION
Provide information about responsible drinking and why it is better to enjoy wine moderately and in the frame of a healthy lifestyle.
National campaigns are planned and developed by the Wine in Moderation national coordinators in collaboration with other national stakeholders, they are inspired by the local needs and culture and respect the existing legislation. They are adapted according to specific events, and can be developed in different forms (broad, tailor made, online/offline, TV, etc.).
The last couple of years have seen the emergence of many tailor-made campaigns at national level, developed in the framework of the Wine in Moderation programme. If you are curious to discover or re-discover these campaigns, get more information in our News section.