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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


If you drink, don't drive! ACIBEV on stage offering Driving simulations under the influence of alcoholic beverages

If you drink, don't drive! ACIBEV on stage offering Driving simulations under the influence of alcoholic beverages

As part of the its commitment to the Wine in Moderation Program, ACIBEV, together with the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), gave the opportunity to visitors of the wine fairs to enter a driving simulator and witness how it is to drive under the influence of alcoholic beverages through the use of special glasses that replicate different BAC levels.

In order to raise awareness of the importance of a moderate wine consumption and the risks of drinking and driving, ACIBEV also distributed leaflets containing relevant information with the Wine in Moderation messages and handed out promotional materials with the Wine in Moderation logo.

In addition, the new ACIBEV social responsibility film subtitled in English and Portuguese was continuously displayed during the event.

With this initiative, ACIBEV reached over 3000 people to the importance of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and the risks of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages.