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Wine in Moderation News
Nyheter från föreningen


ProWein is just around the corner: plan your visit to the Wine in Moderation stand

ProWein is just around the corner: plan your visit to the Wine in Moderation stand

Wine in Moderation is pleased to announce its presence at ProWein 2024.

"We are delighted to participate at the 2024 edition of ProWein for the third consecutive year and to have the opportunity to present the important actions organised by the wine sector to encourage moderate and responsible drinking to both professionals and consumers alike." said Nadia Frittella, Secretary General of Wine in Moderation.

So, don’t wait, plan your visit to the Wine in Moderation stand – located at the Northern Entrance – come get some information leaflets, share them further at your stand and discover what we have in store for you to learn more about responsible drinking patterns and guidelines. 

See you soon!