Wine in Moderation News


New Board of Administration for Wine in Moderation

New Board of Administration for Wine in Moderation

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (December 11, 2023) – Wine in Moderation is pleased to announce a new Board of Administration has been elected at the head of the association; mandates were renewed, and new arrivals greeted. Coming from different backgrounds, the new Board Members will continue to bring their experience and guidance to safeguard a sustainable culture of wine.

Sandro Sartor, Managing Director at Constellation Brands EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) and Ruffino Winery and Vice-President of Unione Italiana Vini, and Marie Museux, Public Affairs Manager at Moët Hennessy, have seen their mandates renewed. Eduardo de Diego, Communication Director at the Spanish Wine Federation, joins the Board of Administrators as Vice-President succeeding to Henrico van Lammeren, CEO of Vinites and represent of the Royal Association of Dutch Wine Merchants, who proudly served as Board member since November 2020.

Eduardo de Diego, newly elected inside the Board of Administrators, commented: “After more than 15 years, the message and values of Wine in Moderation are still as valid as the first day but more necessary than ever. For myself and for the Spanish Wine Federation it will be an honour to represent national coordinators in the Board and to continue working together with the excellent professionals in Wine in Moderation to convey and spread this commitment of a sustainable wine culture.”

During his mandate as President of Wine in Moderation from 2020 to 2023, Sandro Sartor has been leading and initiating a number of important projects within Wine in Moderation. “I feel privileged to have been appointed as President of Wine in Moderation for a second mandate. The sector is facing very challenging times in which Wine in Moderation is more relevant than ever to share a message of responsibility we all strongly believe in. I look forward to continuing working hand in hand with my fellow Board Members and the members of Wine in Moderation to continue inspire the sector’s professionals and consumers and to encourage moderate and responsible consumption of wine.”

Marie Museux, re-appointed as Wine in Moderation Treasurer for a second mandate, also stated: “I am happy to continue representing my fellow colleagues from Ambassador Companies, a membership category which has grown in the last few years and which we hope will continue to do so. As leading wine companies, we are strongly committed to responsible drinking and are convinced of the importance of a social responsibility programme such as Wine in Moderation.”

During the three years of their mandate, the Board Members will be working in close collaboration with the WiM Association secretariat on developing a new Association strategy and continue developing tools and training material for professionals, while continuing expanding the reach of the movement.