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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


DWA breathalysers win promotion gift award

DWA breathalysers win promotion gift award

Together with testme GmbH, the Deutsche Weinakademie participated in the Promotional Gift Award, an international prize for haptic communication active since 2003 and awarded by the publishing house WA Media in Cologne.

The German WiM National Coordinator presented their branded disposable breathalysers in the category “Best practice” that rewards products used during specific campaigns, successfully serving a particular aim.

The DWA’s disposable breathalysers have been used as an educational tool of the Wine in Moderation initiative in Germany for some years now. Every German winery participating in the Wine in Moderation programme as a WiM Supporter received a set of breathlysers which they can then put at the disposal of their visitors and customers in their wineries. The breathalysers allow consumers to have a handy tool to determine their blood alcohol level after consuming wine or other alcoholic beverages.

Thanks to their special design, it is also possible to include relevant information and messages about wine, alcoholic beverages, and responsible consumption. And what further convinced the judges is the sustainability of the materials used and the production process.


If you are interested in the disposable breathalyzer customised to your language and country or receiving a sample, please contact [email protected]