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Considering the impact of wine consumption on diet and health - a presentation at the OIV meetings

Considering the impact of wine consumption on diet and health - a presentation at the OIV meetings

Last 12th of June 2020, the Wine Information Council scientific coordinator, Ursula Fradera, was invited to present a study on the impact of wine consumption on diet and health in the occasion of the OIV CONUSA (Consumption, Nutrition and Health) meeting.

Based on The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD), a comprehensive worldwide observational epidemiological study which describes mortality and morbidity from major diseases, injuries, and risk factors to health, Ms. Fradera made a presentation on the importance to critically analyse scientific publications and the importance to put findings into perspective and context, in this case, in the context of diet and lifestyle.

It is indeed important to consider lifestyle factors. For example, whether you drink moderately or occasionally; whether you drink with or without meals, the type of drink you choose, your diet, whether or not you smoke and your physical activity, as well as socio-economic status. All factors that should be taken into account when considering alcohol consumption.

During the expert meeting, the importance of a critical analysis of scientific publications was widely discussed.

For more information about the CONUSA meetings, click here.