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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


ASOVINOS launches new campaign in occasion of the re-opening of restaurant and bars in Colombia

ASOVINOS launches new campaign in occasion of the re-opening of restaurant and bars in Colombia

After the successful initiatives #ENCASACONASOVINOS and #AcudimosATi our Colombian member ASOVINOS, in collaboration with ASOBARES launched a new campaign to continue sharing responsible messages with wine consumers and at the same time support the HORECA sector which has particularly suffered the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.

In this frame, and in occasion of the re-opening of bars and restaurants in Colombia, the new campaign “Pacto para saber vivir: Una copa de buenas decisiones” aims at raising awareness to consumers encouraging them to have “a glass of smart choices”. Officially launched through an event on 27 August, in the presence of more than 40 journalists and influencers, the campaign invites consumers to enjoy wine responsibly, follow the safety measures and choose authorized locations to enjoy their glass of wine. By encouraging consumers to behave responsibly, the promoters of the initiative aim at ensuring that the re-opening of bars and restaurants does not have a negative impact on the containing measures related to the spread of COVID-19.

The campaign is being promoted both on social media and through specific gadgets: facemasks, pins and coasters strengthening its presence both online and offline.