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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Wine in Moderation’s eye-catching designs steal the show at wine professional fair in Amsterdam

Wine in Moderation’s eye-catching designs steal the show at wine professional fair in Amsterdam

KVNW took part in the Wine Professional 2023 trade fair, organised by the Wine and Food Association on January 9th, 10th and 11th in Amsterdam, and took the opportunity to prominently feature the Wine in Moderation message and brand in a very creative and original manner. In times where the trade is being challenged on a number of issues, it was crucial for KVNW to empower the sector and inform them about possible alternatives such as the Wine in Moderation programme. They thus hired a pillar and adorned it with posters that conveyed messages related to the issues in question, but also positive and educational messages shared by Wine in Moderation. The pillar was strategically positioned in the heart of the event, on a small square surrounded by stands of wine importers. The well-designed posters selected by KVNW created interest and excitement around the Programme undoubtedly catching the attention of everyone passing by.