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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


How to show you're part of Wine in Moderation: the Deutsche Weinakademie shares some best practices

How to show you're part of Wine in Moderation: the Deutsche Weinakademie shares some best practices

Our German National Coordinator shares their tips on how Wine in Moderation supporters can implement the message of responsible consumption in their day-to-day business:

  1. Website
    Do not hesitate to share your commitment with your customers and inform them about the Wine in Moderation initiative with a subpage on your own website. You can find an example of a successful implementation here.
  2. Roll-ups
    Have your own WiM roll-up customized with your logo and business name - a beautiful eye-catcher at wine fairs or in salesrooms! 
  3. Logo
    As a WiM Supporter, you may include the WiM logo in your print and digital media. This also includes advertisements. The next time you design an ad, remember to also include the WiM logo.
  4. Social Media / Instagram
    We recommend to tag or #wineinmoderation in appropriate Instagram posts to share your commitment.
  5. Certificate
    Every new WiM Supporter receives a certificate of their engagement. Try to place it on a visible spot.

Want to know more about how you can show your commitment to a sustainable culture and improve your communication? Drop a line to our team at [email protected] .