Wine in Moderation News
Initiatives from Members


Spain launches "The Science of Wine", a web platform to inform society about wine and health topics based on scientific evidence

Spain launches "The Science of Wine", a web platform to inform society about wine and health topics based on scientific evidence

A completely renewed website of 'The Science of Wine' was recently launched by the Spanish Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research (FIVIN). This new platform aims to position itself as the source for the latest up to date scientific information targeting society in general as well as the wine sector.

The website includes a database of more than 600 studies on wine and health that address a multitude of topics and is endorsed by FIVIN's Scientific Committee. A committee made up of renowned and independent doctors and scientists from different universities and with different specialties.

Other sections have also been added such as the 'News Observatory', where media articles are rigorously analysed according to the latest available scientific data, or 'Science for non-scientists', where informative articles bring current scientific issues about wine and health, prevention of abuse and moderate consumption closer to society.

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