Press Release
HARV 81 Group joins Wine in Moderation in unique partnership14.01.2025
Vinos de Chile presents the implementation of Wine in Moderation in WiM Day webinar08.11.2024
FIVIN highlights the importance of education in promoting responsible and mindful wine consumption among younger generations08.11.2024
The Spanish Wine Tasters Association joins Wine in Moderation in the occasion of WiM Day 202408.11.2024
Ruffino honours Wine in Moderation Day 2024 by training HORECA staff in Responsible Service25.10.2024
Consorzio DOC Delle Venezie includes Wine in Moderation at annual conference24.10.2024
Mezzacorona launches social media campaign to promote responsible and moderate wine drinking16.10.2024
Wine in Moderation presents digital Responsible Service training at 45th OIV Congress14.10.2024
The Mediterranean Diet as central theme of international conference organised in Barcelona04.10.2024
Wine in Moderation awarded by the Cork Sector for its commitment to responsible wine consumption25.09.2024
Wine in Moderation present at the annual convention of Consorzio DOC Delle Venezie