When should drinking be avoided?

Avoid drinking and driving.

Women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding should not drink.

Children and young people under the age of 18 should not drink.
In some situations, not drinking is also the safest option; this includes:
When taking medication
In the workplace, operating machinery
When taking part in recreational or occupational activities that require a high level of focus
Former alcohol-dependent individuals or those with a family history of alcohol dependence
Did you know?
Whenever you are in doubt, seek advice from your physician

Avoid drinking and driving
As with any other alcoholic beverages, the consumption of wine affects the capacity to perform certain activities, such as driving. Drinking has consequences on the driver's psychomotor functions and vision as well as on his behaviour and attitude.
The best advice is to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages if you drive. In any case, the national BAC limits established for drivers should never be exceeded.

Pregnant women should not drink
Pregnant women should not drink alcoholic beverages since no threshold level has been established at which alcohol does not cause any harm to the baby. The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the pregnancy can indeed cause malformations of the embryo and their offspring may exhibit symptoms of foetal alcohol effects, or even lead to foetal alcohol syndrome.

Wine consumption requires maturity
Underage individuals should not drink. Young people are at particular risk of harm from excessive alcohol consumption because it interferes with their growth, nutritional status, and personality development. The (negative) effects of alcohol misuse are a lot more pronounced in young people. This is due both to their physical immaturity and to psychological factors.