Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
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“The Greatest Wine? The One That You Will Remember.”: A successful First Edition For The Wine in Moderation Day

“The Greatest Wine? The One That You Will Remember.”:  A successful First Edition For The Wine in Moderation Day

Over 100 posts on social media, countless articles online, and great online buzz, can all relate to the great response for the first edition of the Wine in Moderation Day. 

Sandro Sartor, President of Wine in Moderation said, “We are thrilled to see that this first edition was such a success. The campaign we have put together is built around the culture of wine and its appreciation: "The greatest wine? The one that you will remember." An important message which was relayed and picked up by professionals, media, and consumers which all share our values for a sustainable culture of wine. Moderation is a value that we encourage all year-around and for which all our members work tirelessly on a daily basis, and we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate this important concept. We look forward to repeating this campaign next year with everything we’ve learned, and with more participating countries, establishing this international Wine in Moderation Day as a date not to be missed. 

For this first edition, the WiM Day campaign was shared by WiM Members and Supporters around the world creating an important buzz around the concept of moderate and responsible wine consumption. Three pilot countries organised an additional series of actions.  

In Italy, the campaign was largely shared by the WiM national members in regional press and television and social media. Ruffino, which has been promoting responsible wine consumption in its corporate strategy since 2019, joined the Wine in Moderation Day campaign with different initiatives. In addition to promoting the campaign to its employees, it organised different events during the week from 6-10 November. Educational activities were held, with the patronage of the City of Florence, in schools in the Metropolitan Area of Florence, with an estimated presence of over 250 students to promote the message of Wine in Moderation to young adults through and with the support of Ruffino Staff members and qualified scientific representatives. These events culminated on November 10th with a press conference attended by the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella.  

Similar activities were organised in Portugal, where the Port Wine Association (AEVP) and the Association of Wines and Spirits of Portugal (ACIBEV) shared the campaign and communication about the Wine in Moderation Day with a large number of press, members and stakeholders. AEVP also carried out a street campaign with the distribution of flyers/leaflets near the Port Wine Cellars, which receives many foreign and local visitors throughout the year. Lastly, an advertising campaign in digital media was also carried out in some of the Portuguese newspapers with the largest audience.  

In Spain, the campaign was primarily organised with the goal to make a maximum of noise, generate discussions, and create new alliances with the wine and other related sectors around the message of moderate wine consumption. Our National Coordinator in Spain, the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV) not only shared the campaign with its own audiences and stakeholders in the wine value chain, but also through its 950+ associated wineries throughout the country, many of which joined in promoting the message in their own social media. A series of wine-related events were organised in Madrid around the 8th of November, including tastings and workshops, reaching over 700 attendees with information on the Wine in Moderation programme and responsible drinking. Additionally, the FEV also signed new partnership agreements with the AECOC and Hostelería de España to further endorse moderate drinking through educational initiatives and digital labelling.

The Wine in Moderation Day is a campaign organised by the WiM Association to raise awareness of the responsible consumption of wine across multiple touchpoints and multiple targets. Built around the campaign “The greatest wine? The one that you will remember.”, the Wine in Moderation Day aims to celebrate the concept of moderation and highlight the importance of engaging consumers about the culture, the history of wine while in-turn, encouraging and empowering consumers to make responsible choices and enjoy wine in moderation. Something that Wine in Moderation and its Members around the globe do all year long through a wide variety of communication and educational activities.