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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Noticias de la asociación


Wine in Moderation renews long-standing partnership with the International Federation of Wine and Spirit Journalist and Writers

Wine in Moderation renews long-standing partnership with the International Federation of Wine and Spirit Journalist and Writers

The two entities recently signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to consolidate and further strengthen their partnership, which started back in 2016. Together, FIJEV and Wine in Moderation have worked on a new action plan with concrete initiatives to be carried out in the coming years.

This new action plan is mainly focused on communication, with, among others, the participation of Wine in Moderation in a video episode of FIJEV’s successful wine talks, dedicated to the importance of moderate and responsible drinking and the need for the whole wine sector to be united and take action towards a sustainable culture of wine.

Furthermore, the two entities have committed to strengthen their collaboration during trade fairs. Wine in Moderation has in the last few years consolidated its presence at the most important trade fairs in Europe. In this frame, the two partners are planning joint initiatives to inform professionals about the importance of moderation reinforcing the shared dedication to the idea that to be truly appreciated, wine should be consumed moderately, as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.