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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


“Les Passeurs de Goût”: every Wednesday, discover a land of flavors!

 “Les Passeurs de Goût”: every Wednesday, discover a land of flavors!

The wine world goes beyond what you might see in your glass: wine culture is history, tradition, gastronomy, landscapes...The promotion of a sustainable culture of wine is indeed at the core of the actions of Wine in Moderation and our members.

To encourage discovering the culture of French wines, Vin & Société, in partnership with Figaro Vin, launched a brand new series “Les Passeurs de gout” on May 19, 2021.

“Les Passeurs de Goût” invites Internet users to take a trip to the heart of the French terroirs, to meet winegrowers, chefs and artisans who share a common passion for wines and foods. Throughout the episodes, they tell how their gourmet passion, transmitted by their elders or their friends, gives meaning to their jobs and holds a special place in their lives.

Alsace, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Corsica, Languedoc, Loire, Rhône and Provence: discover Season 1 on the Figaro Vin website, Facebook or get it straight to your inbox through their newsletter!

Seasons 2 and 3 will follow later this year and the series will also be available on Vin et Société website and social networks too.