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Wine in Moderation website now available in Czech

 Wine in Moderation website now available in Czech

The National Wine Czech Centre joined the Wine in Moderation Programme in November 2022 and started implementing the programme in the country immediately. Among the first steps, the development of the Wine in Moderation website in the Czech language which we are proud to present today, marking a pivotal moment in our journey towards fostering responsible wine consumption and promoting a sustainable wine culture in the Czech Republic.

The mission of the National Wine Centre of the Czech Republic is multifaceted. Not only do they promote and support Czech wines and winemaking, but they also contribute to develop the sector through the publication of specialised literature, organisation of training sessions and seminars.

With this recent addition, the Wine in Moderation website is now available in no less than 12 languages.*

* English (EN), Italian (IT), German (DE), French (FR), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), Greek (EL), Dutch (NL), Lithuanian (LT), Swedish (SV), Russian (RU), and Czech (CZ).