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The “GOOD WINE” education campaign continues

The “GOOD WINE” education campaign continues

Launched in August 2020, the educational campaign “GOOD WINE” of the HNT which targets young and novice wine consumers is about to enter in its second phase drawing attention to quality Hungarian wines through new contents.

The aim of the “GOOD WINE” campaign launched by HNT is to encourage young adults (20-35) to consume quality Hungarian wine consciously and in moderation. The need for education was highlighted by the results of the HNT's national research, according to which the knowledge of the Hungarian youth on wine is insufficient and the quality is not necessarily considered their top priority.

The results of the research clearly pointed out the need to address young people with new tools and new channels and to help them find their way in the world of Hungarian wines.

The main tool of the campaign is the online platform www.magyarborod.hu, which helps to navigate the world of Hungarian wines with a number of educationally entertaining trials and is now enriched with new features.Thanks to the expanded content, young adults can get an answer to what exactly aszú is, while also discovering special mulled wine recipes. Moreover, a uniquely developed memory game provides an opportunity to test the acquired wine knowledge.

The campaign’s new phase will last six weeks and will be built around different channels: outdoor, radio, print as well as digital. The launch will take place on digital media, especially Instagram and TikTok, where, in addition to advertisements, many influencers and celebrities will promote the culture and moderate consumption of Hungarian wine. Likewise, the campaign will launch a five-week sweepstakes on its Facebook page, with valuable wine packages as prizes.