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Interprofesional del Vino de España launches single-page infographic for its self-regulation code

Interprofesional del Vino de España launches single-page infographic for its self-regulation code

How can we make guidelines, regulations and codes more appealing and understandable to users? With their brand-new infographic for the Código de Comunicación Comercial del Vino, the Spanish Wine Interprofessional may have found a solution. The nice visuals of the infographic together with a concise and accessible language help deliver the key information of the Wine Commercial Communication Code in a more user-friendly way.

The launch of the infographic was followed by a promotion campaign that took place both on social media and by reaching all Spanish cellars, associations and press directly, who all received a copy of the infographic. The infographic is also available for download on the Interprofessional website.