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A webinar to present the results of a year of research dedicated to responsible consumption

A webinar to present the results of a year of research dedicated to responsible consumption

As a result of the collaboration between Vin & Société and KEDGE Business School, the Chair of teaching and research was created in 2019 with the aim to identify the main determinants of responsible wine consumption.

Led by Olivier Gergaud, Professor of Economics at KEDGE, the Chair brings together international leading researchers.

During its first year of activity, the work of the international team of scientists focused around three major pillars aimed at:

- studying the role of education, family and external communication in the prevention of risky behaviour;

- analysing the factors and motivations determining the preference for a responsible consumption of wine;

- questioning the link between hedonic pleasure and responsible consumption.

The Chair presented its first results during a webinar organised by Vin & Société on April 9th.

In the frame of the first pillar, surveys were conducted with an audience of young adults and interviews with families were organised to understand the role of education, family and external communication on wine consumption.

From these results, the researchers tried to explain the consumption of wine in terms of knowledge about wine and the level of responsibility; in other words what is responsible consumption. In a second frame, they tried to understand the origin of this knowledge and responsibility level.

Many lessons could be taken from this research. Among others, the role of the father which was noted as very important in terms of transmission of knowledge and responsibility. This was not the case of mothers or grandparents. Professionals of the sector have also been said to play a leading role in terms of knowledge and responsibility.

To explore the personal motivations that push to consume wine, two studies were conducted and show that enjoyment is the main motivation for consuming wine. Young adults – especially men - are the individuals most at risk because they are exposed to social pressure and the need of disinhibition when they consume wine. The studies also remarked that, while the identified motivations leading to wine consumption, usually lead to an increase in volume of daily consumption, when the motivation is linked to sharing occasions or to novelty, quantities decrease.

From the studies carried out within the framework of the third and final pillar, consumers seem to associate natural wine to healthy wine, a factor that can lead to an increase in consumption.

The work of the Chair will continue exploring the results observed.

Its mission is spread over 3 years, with an annual allocation of 86,000 euros, or approximately 250,000 euros in total.


You can read more about the Chair of teaching and research here.