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Nastavení bude uloženo 24 hodin.

News from the Association


Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris welcomes Wine in Moderation with a stand for the first time

Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris welcomes Wine in Moderation with a stand for the first time

For the first time, Wine in Moderation will be present at the Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris trade fair which will take place in Paris next 12 – 14 February. After having been present at several major trade fairs in 2023, the social responsibility movement of the wine sector is thrilled to participate in another one of the world’s leading trade fairs, a perfect platform for Wine in Moderation to share its message with professionals from all over the world and empower them to take action related to moderate drinking.

Wine in Moderation will work to create a responsible wine experience for the fair’s visitors. Water will be available at the Wine in Moderation stand where we will also host a range of interactive activities, including games that inform about responsible drinking patterns and guidelines. If you are planning to attend Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris don’t forget to pay a visit to the Wine in Moderation stand located in Hall 2.2 J180!

For more information about the trade fair, visit their website