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Nastavení bude uloženo 24 hodin.

News from the Association


Wine in Moderation present at the Barcelona Wine Week for second consecutive year

Wine in Moderation present at the Barcelona Wine Week for second consecutive year

We are thrilled to announce that for the second time, Wine in Moderation will be collaborating with the Barcelona Wine Week, one of the most important wine fairs in Spain. After actively including the Wine in Moderation message in all their promotional and communication material in 2023, the Barcelona Wine Week has invited Wine in Moderation to participate in a session during the fair where the educational material developed by the association, and which will be put in place in the course of the year will be presented.

This collaboration allows us to expand our reach and presence at trade fairs around the world while giving our message for a responsible and moderate wine consumption more visibility. Visit the Barcelona Wine Week website for more information on the fair.