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Nastavení bude uloženo 24 hodin.

News from the Association


ProWein, another successful edition for Wine in Moderation

ProWein, another successful edition for Wine in Moderation

Earlier in March, the global wine sector gathered in Düsseldorf for one of the most significant international trade fairs, ProWein. Among the exhibitors was Wine in Moderation, taking the opportunity to engage directly with sector professionals, promoting moderate and responsible drinking practices and sharing our mission and vision.

At our colourful stand located at the Northern Entrance, visitors experienced interactive games designed to promote responsible drinking patterns and guidelines. They also indulged in refreshing aromatised water and were given informative materials but also colourful pins bearing the message: CHOOSE | SHARE | CARE.

In addition to interactive experiences, we discussed with interested visitors on the latest Wine in Moderation projects and activities and informed them about ways to join the Programme.