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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Quien Sabe beber Sabe Vivir

Quien Sabe beber Sabe Vivir

It is the first nationwide and the biggest worldwide campaign undertaken by the Spanish wine sector aiming at the diffusion of moderate drinking as the only way to enjoy wine and the increase of general knowledge about wine products and their quality attributes (better knowledge leads to better choice). The campaign is addressed to the general public from 25 to 50 years old with special focus on women for their significant social role as “educators”, their active attitude towards information related to health and healthy lifestyle and as “prescribers”.

So far about 69,000,000 people have been reached by our campaign through advertising in the print and digital media (advertising and a dedicated webpage). The campaign strategy is based on well-known and esteemed Spanish opinion leaders in various fields, who share with consumers their personal “recipe for life” that includes wine in moderation. They transmit close experiences that blend responsible and moderate consumption of wine with gastronomic pleasure and enjoyment of the simple things in life. They give the campaign celebrity and power and reinforce the message.

The opinion leaders collaborate on the campaign on a voluntary basis.

The campaign is being evaluated by a 3rd independent accredited company. Performance indicators have been placed for the continuous improvement of the programme impact towards the consumer. The first evaluation programme showed very positive results, especially in the acceptance of the campaign by all stakeholders and more significantly the general public.