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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Cantine Aperte 2022: the Italian Wine Tourism Movement brings Wine in Moderation to Italian wine lovers

Cantine Aperte 2022: the Italian Wine Tourism Movement brings Wine in Moderation to Italian wine lovers

Following the tradition, the last weekend of May, Italian wineries open their doors to the public. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, this year’s edition of Cantine Aperte saw the participation of over 600 wineries throughout the country organizing not only wine tastings, but also cooking workshops, yoga classes, photo exhibitions, concerts, and many other activities, offering visitors a wide range of experiences in line with the latest trends in the wine tourism industry.

Organised by the Italian Wine Tourism Movement (MTV), who recently joined Wine in Moderation as Supporter, the event was also the occasion to bring the Wine in Moderation programme to the attention of wine lovers in Italy. As Nicola D’Auria, President of MTV stated “The capacity of aggregation and involvement of Cantine Aperte represents an important opportunity for information and training to encourage a correct and conscious approach to wine consumption. The convivial atmosphere is fundamental in encouraging responsible drinking and putting the moderation message in practice.[1]

In this occasion, MTV distributed to all the participating wineries a kit including the Wine in Moderation logo and the programme’s materials with moderate consumption guidelines for consumers and tips for professionals, and also shared a video to announce their collaboration with Wine in Moderation.

Sandro Sartor, President of the WiM Association said “the proactive role of the wine sector - first and foremost by companies - in communicating products, characteristics and consumption patterns is fundamental. Obviously to educate consumers on moderate and responsible consumption, but not only that, also to make them understand the uniqueness of the great value of wine, a noble product of the earth, an expression of the various cultures in which it is produced and, since time immemorial, an integral part of our eating habits. For this reason, - Sartor concluded, - we believe that the initiatives of the Wine Tourism Movement can offer important opportunities for a direct dialogue with consumers.”[2]

Cantine Aperte was indeed the first of a rich programme of events the Italian Wine Tourism Movement is planning for the months to come, which will further strengthen the reach of the Wine in Moderation message.



[1] “La capacità di aggregazione e coinvolgimento esercitata da Cantine Aperte - sottolinea D’Auria - rappresenta un’occasione importante di informazione e formazione per favorire un approccio corretto e consapevole al consumo del vino. L’atmosfera conviviale, il relax e il divertimento sono fattori fondamentali per predisporre all’accoglienza e all’assunzione di un format prima mentale e poi comportamentale”. - Original quote, translated by the Secretariat
[2] “il ruolo proattivo del settore del vino - in primis da parte delle aziende - nel comunicare i prodotti, le caratteristiche e i modelli di consumo è fondamentale. Ovviamente per educare i consumatori ad un consumo moderato e responsabile, ma non solo, anche per far comprendere loro l’unicità del grande valore del vino, nobilissimo prodotto della terra, espressione delle varie culture in cui si produce e, da sempre, parte integrante delle nostre abitudini alimentari. Per questo - ha concluso Sartor - riteniamo che le iniziative del Movimento turismo del vino possano offrire opportunità importanti di dialogo diretto con i consumatori” – Original quote, translated by the Secretariat