Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


A Wine in Moderation step forward for Unione Italiana Vini

A Wine in Moderation step forward for Unione Italiana Vini

Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) launched its new working committees among which the committee on “Wine and Health” during its last board meeting in December 2013, followed by the Association’s Annual Christmas Dinner.

Domenico Zonin, President of UIV, stated that although this was the first time working committees had been put to the test, results proved positive by unanimous agreement. George Sandeman, president of Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre, thanked the President and the Board for their commitment and engagement to the WIM programme and further congratulated the Italian association for setting up such a working committee on the topic of “Wine and Health”. Many associations prefer focusing on issues related to international trade, production techniques, etc. but the decision to dedicate a working group on a topic of growing interest for the wine sector is a very important, positive and innovative fact says George Sandeman in an interview to Corriere Vinicolo. Moreover, this committee will further improve the implementation of the Wine in Moderation programme in Italy.

While the Board Meeting gave the opportunity to George Sandeman, President and to Stylianos Filopoulos, Director of WIM Association to provide an overview of the WIM programme and its implementation results and impact, the “Vino e Salute” Working Committee Meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss technical details and support the drafting of UIV’s WIM Action plan.