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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


Wine in Moderation renews partnership with the National Institute of Viticulture of Uruguay

Wine in Moderation renews partnership with the National Institute of Viticulture of Uruguay

Partners since 2018, Wine in Moderation and the National Institute of Viticulture of Uruguay (INAVI) have recently renewed their partnership with the aim to strengthen their cooperation and will do so by working together on a thorough bilateral action plan.

This new action plan focuses on three areas: communication, education, and wine tourism.

INAVI’s main priority for the coming years is to strengthen the image of Uruguayan wine, empower the national sector through educational training programmes and help wineries develop their wine tourism activities to attract more visitors. At the same time, the institute is convinced about the importance of including the message of moderate and responsible drinking in its activities and of raising awareness about responsible drinking habits and healthy lifestyles within the wine sector.

Through their renewed partnership, both partners are committed to working together to promote a sustainable culture of wine.