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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Getting to know French wine: Vin & Société and the French Sommelier Union launch new initiative on Instagram

Getting to know French wine: Vin & Société and the French Sommelier Union launch new initiative on Instagram

French wines and cuisine are very well known around the world, but how can you best combine them?

With the collaboration of Philippe Faure-Brac (Best Somelier of the world 1992 and President of the French Sommelier Union) Vin & Société invites you to join #1verre1assiette (one glass one dish), a series of Instagram lives where every Monday starting September 14th, Philippe Faure-Brac has been going through a gastronomic journey in France. Region by region and with the help of a new guest every episode, Philippe Faure-Brac makes us discover new recipes and how to best pair these delicious dishes with a glass of wine. To catch previous episodes, click here!

The initiative #1verre1assiette follows a campaign developed by Vin & Société et Philippe Faure-Brac #DegustezConfinés: a series of Instagram lives programmed 3 times a week during the Spring 2020 lockdown. If you missed them and you want to know more about wine and food and enjoy some cool anecdotes, all the past lives are available on YouTube.