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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


FEV receives prize for the WIM implementation in Spain

FEV receives prize for the WIM implementation in Spain

The Mediterranean Diet Foundation awarded the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV) the “Barcelona Mediterránea prize" for the implementation of the European programme “Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre” in Spain in collaboration with FIVIN. The award recognizes their contribution in spreading the message of responsibility and moderation in the consumption of wine, as part as the Mediterranean Diet. Javier Pagés, president of FEV, received the award in Barcelona on behalf of the Spanish Wine Federation.

One of the most important actions carried out to implement the “Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre” programme in Spain is the campaign "Quien Sabe Beber, Sabe Vivir", developed with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the European Commission. The campaign is now in its second year of implementation.