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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Argentina: new national Wine in Moderation website and participation at the ALMAlbec food and wine festival

Argentina: new national Wine in Moderation website and participation at the ALMAlbec food and wine festival

2019 is yet another year for action in Argentina where numerous activities have already been organised and where a new Wine in Moderation website was recently released.

New Wine in Moderation website:

A new dynamic and vibrant microsite was recently released in Argentina. Accessible through the Bodegas de Argentina website, the Wine in Moderation Argentina microsite presents the philosophy of the movement, responsible tips as well as the latest information about the actions that are carried out in the country under the international Wine in Moderation Programme.

Local Partners and Supporters are listed on the microsite and have access to all relevant information while new potential associates learn more about the program and why drinking wine responsibly can be part of a healthy life. Links to the central Wine in Moderation website and the Wine Information Council are also included.

ALMAlbec food and wine festival

AlMalbec 2019The ALMAlbec food pairing festival took place in the occasion of World Malbec Day (April 17) in Buenos Aires and Mendoza, with the goal to position Mendoza as the main gastronomic destination in Argentina. The festival also aimed at educating the public and the restaurants’ service personnel on basic aspects such as the history of the vine, its basic characteristics, production and best suggested pairings.


Bodegas de Argentina supported this action and accompanied it with the Wine in Moderation message.


The initiative which promoted a menu paired with Malbec in restaurants and wineries throughout Mendoza also gave the opportunity to participants to choose among a series of events organised during the festival among which classes, debates, tastings, tours, mini fairs, tastings and cultural events around the topic of Malbec.


For more information on the events: