Wine in Moderation News
News from the Association


Responsible communication on digital media: a how-to guide

Responsible communication on digital media: a how-to guide

Nowadays, digital media constitute a large basis of our day-to-day communication. Have you ever wondered how best to adopt a responsible communication on these media?

Last month we announced our brand-new Responsible Communication Package, that includes not only a refreshed version of our self-regulation code the Wine Communication Standards, but also  a brand-new Digital Annex to help set the guidelines to communicate responsibly through digital media.

Where can I place my wine-related ads? Which requirements should my website (or any website where I am placing my ads) have? How can I apply the digital controls on my different social media accounts? What should I look for in an influencer that I would like to involve in a promotional campaign?

If you need more information on this tool and how to get it, you can have a look here.

…And if theory is not enough and you would like to see some concrete examples, you can also find more tips by following Wine in Moderation on social media!

  • Instagram: where you can find different ideas on how to share our responsible message with your customers in creative and engaging ways.
  • LinkedIn & Twitter: where you can find tips on how to include the Wine in Moderation programme in your day-to-day business activities and how to organize responsible initiatives.
  • YouTube: when you need videos to get our moderation message across.


Do not hesitate to get in touch with national self-regulatory organization in your country or your national coordinators if you have any doubts or questions on how to communicate responsibly on your platforms or if you want to get advice on your future campaigns!