
Thirty leading scientists from around Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia will present the latest research on diet, healthy lifestyle and moderate consumption of wine.
Organised by the Wine Information Council (WIC) and Fundación para la Investigación del Vino y la Nutrición (FIVIN) - this congress is the most important international scientific event about lifestyle, diet, wine and health aspects of the last five years
This world class event - the LIFESTYLE, DIET, WINE AND HEALTH CONGRESS - will gather international scientists to present the latest scientific evidence about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, combining information on maintaining an active lifestyle, a balanced Mediterranean-style diet and a moderate consumption of wine.
“We present excellent scientists from all over the world and with different backgrounds highlighting the latest research on lifestyle, diet, wine and health issues at this international congress”, said Ramon Estruch, president of the International Congress Scientific Committee.
The international Congress will be held in the Palacio de Congresos El Greco of the historic City of Toledo, Spain, between the 18th and the 20th of October, 2023 and is the perfect opportunity for participants to update their knowledge of the latest research, as well as enjoy the historical monuments and atmosphere of the ancient city.
“This is an important congress as it discusses the varying health impacts of lifestyle and dietary factors, including moderate wine consumption” commented Nicolai Worm, Chair of the Wine Information Council.
The scientific program will include presentations on the Global Burden of Disease Study, Cardiovascular Health, Health Implications of Lifestyle Choices, Importance of Context when consuming wine moderately, the Keys to Longevity and how to translate Science to Society.
About Wine Information Council (WIC)
The Wine Information Council (WIC) is an important pillar of the Wine in Moderation program and constitutes a unique network of scientists dedicated to research on wine in context of lifestyle, health and social aspects. WIC maintains a regularly updated database of evidence-based information, disseminates these scientific updates and events and organises scientific conferences.
An Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Group facilitates the review, interpretation and communication of the research data.
The Foundation for Wine Research and Nutrition - FIVIN is a non-profit entity that focuses on assessing the beneficial effects of moderate consumption of wine on health. Its main mission is to communicate to the medical community, objective and scientific evidence, which demonstrates that wine has various components that may be beneficial for health.
All studies communicated by FIVIN are endorsed and assessed by a scientific committee made up of renowned doctors and researchers.