Sustainable Wine Roundtable podcast features Wine in Moderation

Podcasts: a passing trend or a real value marketing tool?
Whether you like them or not, podcasts have become increasingly trendy over the years, touching a large and very diverse crowd and handling very diverse topics, from the latest news, to historical facts. The world of wine makes no exception, and it was therefore a great pleasure to accept the Sustainable Wine Roundtable’s invitation to be featured in their regular podcast [listen to the podcast here]. The interview, which lasted ~20 minutes, gave the opportunity to Wine in Moderation President, Sandro Sartor, to explain what Wine in Moderation is about, emphasizing our primary objective to encourage a sustainable culture of wine. He continued highlighting the programme’s aim to encourage responsible and moderate wine consumption among trade professionals while promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Over the past decade, Wine in Moderation has indeed been passing its message through education, self-regulation, and communication, running hundreds of campaigns worldwide, training thousands of professionals, and updating its self-regulation code to keep pace with changing communication channels. The campaigns have played a pivotal role in helping consumers make moderate and responsible wine choices while also trying to reduce harmful alcohol use. In these unpredictable times, Wine in Moderation remains committed more than ever to spreading its message of moderation and responsible wine culture.
Wine in Moderation joined the Sustainable Wine Roundtable (SWR) as a member in June 2022. SWR is a unique coalition that aims to define sustainable wine in practical detail and develop a global wine sustainability standard.