Argentina off to a flying start

From the moment Bodegas de Argentina (BAAC) became Member of WIM Association and joined the Wine in Moderation - Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme in March 2013, a 360 degrees action plan was set in place. This action plan encompassed: communication, contact with the press, education, implementation of WIM messages, launching events, and most importantly – inviting companies to be part of the programme.
Bodegas de Argentina immediately created a WIM-dedicated Working Committee which acted in coordination with the other Working Committees of BAAC. BAAC rapidly adapted the WIM message in Argentina, created communication tools and materials to spread the WIM message and made sure to facilitate participation in the WIM programme in Argentina through two separate categories: Sponsor and Institutional.
Raising awareness about responsible drinking and the principles of the WIM programme to journalists, wine schools, other institutions, opinion leaders, winemakers, and CEOs enabled Bodegas of Argentina to gain support and endorsement of the latter.
In October 2013, Bodegas de Argentina successfully launched the Wine in Moderation - Art de Vivre Programme in Mendoza and Buenos Aires and initiated the startup of the second phase: presenting the WIM programme at the most important Argentinian wine fairs (Feria Jumbo &Deli, Vinos de Lujo, Wine Revolution), Sub 30 Wine Awards, HHRR Conference, Enoturism Latam Congress (more information hereunder), CSR Conference, presentations in companies and authorities such as the Ministry of Health and Transit and Security Department of Buenos Aires.
Special focus on Enoturism Latam Congress:
Enoturism Latam Congress was the third Enoturism Latam conference ever organised and took place at the terrace of Mendoza´s city hall building. This edition was organised by Bodegas de Argentina together with the Tourism Departments of Mendoza City, Lujan de Cuyo and Maipú.
Guillermo Barleta, Coordinator of Turism Committee and organiser of the event, took the opportunity to present and explain the WIM programme to stakeholders present, WIM’s importance, the need to publicise responsible consumption during any enoturism activity and the positive outcomes of joining the WIM programme.
Renowned personalities from Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico were present at the event, giving the opportunity to BAAC to present the WIM programme to other South American Stakeholders and raising awareness about the WIM programme in South America.
Bodegas de Argentina has thus been off to a flying start with the implementation of the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme in Argentina. Its challenge for 2014 is to continue implementing and expanding the programme with new potential partners in the wine sector and related companies.