The Wine in Moderation Day was established for the first time in 2023. With this day we aim to educate and empower consumers to enjoy wine responsibly and in moderation and by sharing the culture of wine.
To mark this special day, we invite our members and partners around the world to organise a specific day fully dedicated to talking and elaborating on the importance of moderation in our every day lives.
The Wine in Moderation Day is organised around the global campaign:
“The greatest wine? The one that you’ll remember.”
In fact, we believe that it is not so much about having a favourite wine, but rather about cherishing the ones you'll remember. Wines are incredibly diverse, influenced by various factors like food pairings, time of day, location, the glass used, the company, and so much more. Wine isn't just a product; it's an experience. Our approach to the favourite wine question will always be focused on the one that leaves a lasting imprint on the consumer’s memory. So, instead of having a favourite wine, we encourage to have favourite moments, where the wine becomes an unforgettable part of the experience.
Learn more on how to join our social responsibility movement and be a part of the Wine in Moderation Day!

1. What is the Wine in Moderation Day?
The Wine in Moderation Day is a global campaign organised by the WiM Association to raise awareness about the responsible consumption of wine across multiple touchpoints and multiple targets. It is built around a global campaign “The greatest wine? The one that you’ll remember.”
2. What is the goal of the Wine in Moderation Day?
The campaign aims to highlight the importance of engaging the consumers about the culture, the history of wine and the “Choose, Share, Care” message and, in-turn, encourage and empower consumers to make responsible choices and enjoy wine in moderation.
By participating in the Wine in Moderation Day, you also become part of a larger Wine in Moderation movement that aims to encourage a sustainable culture of wine. Interested in becoming an active part of the Wine in Moderation movement? More information here.
3. How can I celebrate the Wine in Moderation Day?
The week/day consists of a range of PR and communication activities organised a central level underpinned by a series of events organised at national level by our National Coordinators and Supporters with the active participation of producers and other professionals.
Help us amplify the campaign:
- Online: Share your views on social media using the #WineinModerationDay hashtag and follow @WineinModeration on Instagram and LinkedIn. Already a WiM Supporter? Login to your Wine in Moderation account and download the Wine in Moderation Day Package available in the participating languages (English, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese). Download and share Wine in Moderation Day content and explain the importance of appreciating wine in moderation and responsibly.
- Offline: Talk about the Wine in Moderation Day with your customers, colleagues, and friends.
- Get in touch with your National Coordinator: contact your national coordinator and discover what will be organised at national level. Take part in the event or check what you can do.