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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
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The Future of EU Viticulture, Copa Cogeca and CEVI present latest trends

The Future of EU Viticulture, Copa Cogeca and CEVI present latest trends

What are the upcoming trends, opportunities and challenges in the wine sector, how will EU winegrowers adapt to ensure a more sustainable viticulture? The event “The Future of EU Viticulture” that took place in Brussels on November 6th tried to provide some answers.

Hosted by Copa-Cogeca and CEVI, two founding members of the Wine in Moderation Programme, the workshop saw the participation of a number of high-end speakers from the European Institutions. The Wine in Moderation Association was also invited to participate bringing a personal contribution to the discussion by presenting the importance of CSR and social sustainability. The event was followed by a wine tasting where Wine in Moderation was also involved providing information and awareness material on responsible drinking and offering guests the possibility to breathalyse before leaving the party.

A number of guests were identified during the tasting with a badge “Ask me about wine” encouraging conversation and inviting participants to discover the wines and learn more about the culture of wine.