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« Loi Evin, how-to » : the new online platform launched by Vin et Société

« Loi Evin, how-to » : the new online platform launched by Vin et Société

When it comes to Wine commercials, implementing the Loi Evin (French alcohol and tobacco policy) is not easy. In order to address this gap, Vin & Société provides professionals of the wine sector with a free online training that helps them to understand the functioning of the law.

Accessible to everyone, this training allows to cover in 45 minutes the essential of the provisions related to alcoholic beverage communication. Easy to use, accessible anywhere at any time, the training offers a tailored experience where each user can learn at his own rhythm testing his/her knowledge.

This training, developped in collaboration with Brasseurs de France, Fédération Française des Spiritueux and Fédération Française des Vins d’Apéritif is mainly addressed to the professionals of the alcohol sector, but also to communication agencies, media and students.

Have a look at the teaser of the training